

2010年1月,中国作家协会与《中国日报》合作推介中国作家作品项目正式启动。中国作家协会为能更好地向海外读者介绍中国当代优秀作家作品及文学活动,促进中国文学走出去,增进中国文学与世界文学之间的交流与融合,中国作家协会与《中国日报》合作于每周五推出“阅读版”(Life Reading),一年约50期。此项目由中国作协创研部和《中国日报》特稿部具体承办。


  • Getting a foot in
  • (Quality translations and targeted marketing alone can help break the lingering stereotype in overseas markets of modern Chinese fiction as propaganda, literary experts say.) 杨光 近日在中国作协举办的文学翻译研讨会上,来自世界各地的汉学家、翻译,以及中国作家和政府官员一致认为,必须提高翻译的质量,做好市场推广,才能让中国文学走向世界。
  • Establishing a Bond with Chinese writing
  • (British literary translator Julia Lovell says the Chinese literary scene is open to foreign influences and interests.) 杨光 英国著名翻译家Julia Lovell回顾走上文学翻译道路的挑战和收获。

Establishing a Bond with Chinese writing (British literary translator Julia Lovell says the Chinese literary scene is open to foreign influences and interests.) 杨光 英国著名翻译家Julia Lovell回顾走上文学翻译道路的挑战和收获。


Chronicling days of glory
Chronicling days of glory

(Author Chen Danyan's contemporary writings of Shanghai have become nostalgic musings on the city's transformation.) Chitralekha Basu 上海作家陈丹燕新作追溯和平宾馆背后的故事。


  • 新世纪中国女性文学专辑
  • (The country's leading female authors and critics wrangle over the current meaning of feminism in print.) 梅佳 在日前召开的女性文学论坛上,作家、评论家就新世纪中国女性文学展开激烈讨论。与上世纪八、九十年代不同,现在的中国女作家并不以自己的性别为写作出发点,而是将目光投向广阔的社会,以女性特有的细腻笔触反映出当前的中国。


  • Caught between worlds
  • (The tension between his northern inheritance and growing up surrounded by southern sensibilities is an enduring theme in Shanghai-based writer Sun Ganlu’s works.) Chitralekha Basu 上海作家孙甘露在文字间探索这座国际大都市里芸芸众生的精神生活,象土耳其作家帕穆克一样用丰富的元素编织出一幅绚丽的图景。
  • Cities of China get makeover in new book series
  • (Foreign Languages Press invites foreign authors to write about the country’s 2nd- and 3rd-tier cities.) 杨光 外文出版社邀请知名外国作家游历中国二、三线城市,从外国读者喜闻乐见的角度推广中国文化。

Caught between worlds

Caught between worlds

(The tension between his northern inheritance and growing up surrounded by southern sensibilities is an enduring theme in Shanghai-based writer Sun Ganlu’s works.)
  Chitralekha Basu 上海作家孙甘露在文字间探索这座国际大都市里芸芸众生的精神生活,象土耳其作家帕穆克一样用丰富的元素编织出一幅绚丽的图景。

Cities of China get makeover in new book series(Foreign Languages Press invites foreign authors to write about the country’s 2nd- and 3rd-tier cities.) 杨光 外文出版社邀请知名外国作家游历中国二、三线城市,从外国读者喜闻乐见的角度推广中国文化。


  • Mischief maker
  • (Yu Hua, one of China’s most famous contemporary writers, reveals his new book and thoughts on criticisms over his recent books.)
    Chitralekha Basu、杨光 中国当代最知名的作家之一余华接受中国日报专访,谈到即将出版的新作,回应评论界对他最近一些作品的批评。

Mischief maker


  • On the other side
  • (One devout Catholic's attempt to understand the lives of missionaries in Buddhist Tibet ends up as a three-volume trilogy about love, faith and fate.) Bruce Humes 云南作家范稳历经十年,终于完成了反映滇藏交界地区多民族文化历史的三部曲收关之作《大地雅歌》。作者深入滇西高原和台湾,收集到珍贵的一手资料,将宗教、爱情和历史融为大气磅礴的力作。
  • Tuttle's tales of tantalizing literary trials and triumphs
  • (Tuttle, a Tokyo-headquartered pan-Asian publisher, has turned out some of the finest pictorial books on Asian history, language and culture, including all of martial arts legend Bruce Lee's works.) Chitralekha Basu 总部设在日本东京的出版商Tuttle已成为世界上最重要的亚洲历史、文化书籍的出版者。

On the other side

On the other side

(One devout Catholic's attempt to understand the lives of missionaries in Buddhist Tibet ends up as a three-volume trilogy about love, faith and fate.)
  Bruce Humes 云南作家范稳历经十年,终于完成了反映滇藏交界地区多民族文化历史的三部曲收关之作《大地雅歌》。作者深入滇西高原和台湾,收集到珍贵的一手资料,将宗教、爱情和历史融为大气磅礴的力作。


  • An evergreen writer
  • (At 56, the award-winning Wang Anyi has a formidable body of work to her credit that touches almost every aspect of life - from the ordinary to the bizarre.) Chitralekha Basu和杨光 上海作协主席王安忆接受《中国日报》专访,回顾多年来的创作历程,畅谈母亲、作家茹志鹃对她的影响,对上海的认识、与国外作家的交流等方面。
  • A hard sell in translation but worth the effort
  • (When Michael Berry made up his mind to translate Wang Anyi's seminal work, The Song of Everlasting Sorrow, he never imagined that at the end of the day he would have to resort to hard sell, as the book was a huge commercial hit.) Chitralekha Basu 翻译家Michael Berry回顾为王安忆翻译《长恨歌》时的感受,以及遭到出版社拒绝的经历。

An evergreen writer

An evergreen writer
An evergreen writer

(At 56, the award-winning Wang Anyi has a formidable body of work to her credit that touches almost every aspect of life - from the ordinary to the bizarre.)
   Chitralekha Basu和杨光 上海作协主席王安忆接受《中国日报》专访,回顾多年来的创作历程,畅谈母亲、作家茹志鹃对她的影响,对上海的认识、与国外作家的交流等方面。
·Mother and daughter

A hard sell in translation but worth the effort

A hard sell in translation but worth the effort
A hard sell in translation but worth the effort

(When Michael Berry made up his mind to translate Wang Anyi's seminal work, The Song of Everlasting Sorrow, he never imagined that at the end of the day he would have to resort to hard sell, as the book was a huge commercial hit.) Chitralekha Basu 翻译家Michael Berry回顾为王安忆翻译《长恨歌》时的感受,以及遭到出版社拒绝的经历。


Of rivers and passing clouds

(Wan Fang's latest novel Paper Restaurant is released in the year that marks the 100th anniversary of her famous father Cao Yu's birth.) 杨光 著名作家万方在她的父亲、剧作家曹禺诞辰百年之际,再推新作《纸饭馆》。从《空巷子》、《空镜子》、《空房子》到《纸饭馆》,万方一直延续着自己对爱情的独特解读。

  1. 曹禺百年 经典剧目重上演
  2. 名门之后万方
  3. 用什么纪念曹禺
  4. 万方:下一部也许是父亲的婚恋往事
  5. 巴金忆曹禺
  6. 万方:像父亲那样去写作
  7. 天津将建曹禺故居纪念馆迎接其百年诞辰
  8. 万方:“空镜子”里面读快乐
A woman who is inspired by women

(Shanghai writer Wang Zhousheng gains inspiration from her mother, a feminist friend, and a great woman writer.) Chitralekha Basu 专访上海女作家王周生,谈到几位对她的写作最有影响的女人:她的母亲、一位女权主义朋友,以及老作家丁玲。